Meet the JAWLINER Family
The passionate minds and friendly faces of JAWLINER
"The Brain"
Our creative brain, passionately pursuing new ideas until the world is ready for them. With his good eye for detail, charismatic self-confidence and magnetic eloquence, he wins the minds and hearts of everyone around him.
“The Organizer”
A pragmatic organizational talent and logistic genius, René keeps track of document piles the height of the Eiffel tower. His office is a strategic command center every 5-Star General would be proud of, while his living room regularly resembles a shisha bar for the team.
“The Manager”
Fearless Pim, our production manager, always has an open ear for our customers. She’s a Badass Businesswoman, always on fire and rocking the floor with style.
“The Queen”
Queen of languages and absolute spelling-fanatic. María is our linguistic gatekeeper and the one you'll speak to if you are an influencer and also want to become a face and brand ambassador of JAWLINER.
"As any proper story should, ours also begins inside a bar..." cold spring night in 2013, over a beer a friend of ours told us about his dedicated efforts of gaining jaw muscles in order to get that sharp, sexy look everybody desires. He was so damn ambitious, he even went so far as to freeze some chewing gum in a freezer, only to have something hard to bite on for jaw training – what an absolute mad lad! However, his crazy, but at the same time brilliant idea stuck with us. After all, at that time there was no functional training device on the market for that purpose.
What followed were years and months of research, brainstorming, development, medical examination and tireless creative efforts. Nowadays, we are proud to have grown to a bigger, bolder and more determined team, full of crazy ideas that drive us ever onwards.
By the way: Our friend has long ceased chewing on frozen gum. He has become one of the greatest JAWLINER fans and continues testing ever new JAWLINER models for us – like exercise, creative improvements never stop.
Team's Choice for their Jawline Training
Start now and change your look forever!
JAWLINER® Fitness Chewing Gum
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:|~|:prdimgtp:--:variant:|~|:prdimgsrcset:--::|~|:prdimglblttl:--:BEST VALUE:|~|:prdimglblattr:--:class="zpa-image-label zpa-image-label--top-left zp pila-45796429":|~|:prdimgclass:--:zpa-mobile-align--center zpa-image-size--xlarge zpa-align--center pia-45796429:|~|:prdimgalt:--:JAWLINER® 3.0 - Professional Pack:|~|:prdimg:--:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-45796429:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:cart:|~|:prdbtninmncl:--:1:|~|:prdbtninalcl:--:1:|~|:prdbtnelt:--::|~|:prdbtncpt:--:BUY NOW!:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-padding-small bcss-45796429:|~|:prdbtnalign:--:zp zpa-button-alignment-center:|~|:handle:--:jawliner-3-0-all-in-one-transformation-pack:|~|:eid:--:45796429:|~|:dcrt3class:--:ba-45796434:|~|:dcrt2class:--:ba-45796437:|~|:dcrt1class:--:ba-45796439:|~|:crtmsgclass:--:pcma-45796429:|~|:brdclass:--:ba-45796432:|~|:blckscnt:--:2:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cart-
Who invented / developed JAWLINER?
A German startup (MEG GmbH) from Bavaria invented the JAWLINER in 2018 and launched the first version JAWLINER 1.0 in 2020.
Do you give support and advice to get a better jawline?
If you have any questions about "how to get a jawline" or generally about our product and service JAWLINER, you can reach us at:
phone number: +49(0)83798720001
How to contact the JAWLINER team for cooperations?
The best way is to write us a mail:
Phone number: +49(0)83798720001
Is it possible to apply / work for you guys?
Sure, we are always looking for talented and motivated people to join us in spreading the word about Jawline Training.
The best way to send us your application is to: